News & Updates

Our First In-Shabbos

On Shabbos Poroshas Vayera, November 11-12, we enjoyed our first In-Shabbos. Our night Seder, twelfth grade Rebbe, Rabbi Avraham Tuvia Brander joined us and gave an exceptional Chumash Shiur after the spirited seudah on Friday night. Ohr Yosef Schwartz and Yehuda Zev...

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Publishing Celebration

On Sunday, July 24, we celebrated the publishing of Kuntris Shoshanas Amokim, a compendium of the chaburos our Bais Medrash bochurim delivered this year on Maseches Yevomos. The Kuntris is dedicated by Arash & Sharon Khorsandi. Rabbi Yecheskel Hertz, our...

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Lake Casitas

On Thursday, May 19, after Mincha, we bussed our Mesivta bochurim to Lake Casitas. Upon arrival, most of the boys went boating. Some played a game of baseball. All then met on the camp site  for a BBQ run by three 12th graders, Moshe Levy, Hillel Louk and Benyamin...

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Purim Mesiba at the Yeshiva

On, Tuesday night, March 15, we enjoyed our annual Purim Mesiba here in Yeshiva. The afternoon was spent decorating the Ickovics Dining Hall. It was done in a way that expressed extreme Simcha. Moshe Levy of 12th grade, arranged the music and played the key board....

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Annual Running Springs Shabbaton at Dovid Oved Retreat Center

On, Shabbos Poroshas Vayakhel, February 25-27, we enjoyed our annual Running Springs Shabbaton at the Dovid Oved Retreat Center. Our Rebbiem were joined by our office staff, Rabbi Yehuda Pollak and Mrs. Rubin. Reb Chaim Brown, who flew in from NY, led Kabolas Shabbos...

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פירסומי ניסא

'יצא אש ומצא קוצים ונאכל גדיש, והלך וגדל עד כי גדל מאד, וגבהו הלהבות כשיעור ד' קומות, והיה רוח סערה בהאש המתלקחת, ועי"ז הרחיב גבוליו וילחך כל סביבותיו, ואכל עשבים עצים ובנינים, והלך ומתקרב למקומות הישוב, ואבדו כל יכולת שליטה על האש, ועל כן המשיך לשלוח יד בבתים שלימים...

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Siyum Announcement

This year’s Siyum was held in the Yeshiva on Thursday, June 17 li”n Dov ben Michoel and Perel bas Shlomo Zalman Hoffman. We started off with a shtikel Torah presented by Avraham Jacobs. Yehuda Aryeh Yellen made the siyum on Maseches Kesuvos, which was followed by...

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Dovid Oved Retreat Center Shabbaton

On Shabbos, Poroshas Acharei Mos-Kedoshim, April 23-25, 2021 our entire cadre of bochurim together with six Rebbiem and their families, joined, as well, by Rabbi and Mrs. Yehuda Pollak and Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Rubin enjoyed an amazing, uplifting Shabbaton at the Dovid...

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Welcoming Incoming Students

After a few weeks' process of meeting and farhering many local eighth grade bochurim we were able to accept twenty fine benai aliyah into our incoming ninth grade. The class will, iy”H, be made up of alumni of Toras Emes, Cheder LA and Ohr Eliyahu.

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Eighth Grader Tour

On Monday, February 15, 2021, twenty Toras Emes eighth graders came to visit our Yeshiva, with the goal of getting a better idea if our Yeshiva is the right choice for their high school education. They were greeted by a delicious pizza and sushi lunch joined by our...

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Annual Open House a Success

On Sunday, January 10, 2021, we had our annual Open House. To remain safe, we put up a tent on our athletic court, set up spaced chairs and bagged our brunch for take home. Presentations were made by a twelfth grade talmid, Shaya Solomon, Mr. Daniel Mansouri, general...

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Rosh Hashannah 5781

On Shabbos and Sunday, September 19-20, 2020, we were zocheh to spend Rosh HaShana in our Yeshiva. Rabbi Gottesman was joined by our ninth grade Rebbe, Rabbi Shmuel Bernstein who was the makrie for the Tekios, eleventh grade night seder Rebbe and Avrech, Rabbi Zalman...

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Moving into the new dormitories

On Sunday, September 6, 2020, we moved into two of three of our new dormitories. After Shacharis, we gathered at Dorms A & B for Kevias Mezuzos. The Rebbiem joined the talmidim to set all the Mezuzos in both dormitories. In addition to the bochurim getting settled...

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Mazal Tov

Mazal Tov to Rabbi & Mrs. Fisher upon the marriage of  their daughter

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Monumental Shabbaton

On Shabbos Poroshas Shemos, January 17-18, 2020 thirty eighth graders from four local Mosdos, including two boys from Edmonton, Canada joined forty-one of our talmidim for a monumental Shabbaton. A majority of our own bochurim came straight from a...

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Construction Update

The Mandelbaum Gate provides a beautiful entry to Mesivta’s campus, complementing the stunning frontage provided by the Lainer/Friedman Family Bais Medrash. Mesivta has a full crew working on the next phase of our campus expansion; the Alon & Rosana Miller and 2...

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First In-Shabbos

On Shabbos Poroshas Chayei Sara we had our first In-Shabbos. Joining me was Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Klughapht of Kollel Los Angeles and family. Rabbi Klughapht gave a moving Chumash shiur after the lively Shabbos seudah and Seder limud, and acted as Maggid at...

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Alumni Shabbaton

Our Hanhalla had a special sense of elation when we heard that nine of our alumni presently learning in Eretz Yisroel made an Elul Shabbaton. The bochurim gathered in Daniel Rosansky’s dira for a spirited seudah. It was such a show of how they connected in their...

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Hascholas HaZman

It is with a sense of excitement and tremendous hakoras hatov to the Ribono shell Olam that we have started our twenty-third year of harbotzas haTorah on our beautiful campus, tucked away in the Santa Monica mountains. It is such a pleasure to see the smiling faces of...

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Construction Update

The windows and fire sprinklers are currently being installed, giving the buildings an entirely different, and distinctive look. B”H, we’re also pleased to announce that all 3 buildings passed the inspection for the sewer connections.

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Construction Update

The recent completion of the Mandelbaum Gate provides a beautiful entry to Mesivta’s campus, complementing the stunning frontage provided by the Lainer/Friedman Family Bais Medrash. Mesivta has a full crew working on the next phase of our campus expansion; the Alon...

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On Shabbos, Poroshas Vayikra-Zachor, March 16-17, 2019 we enjoyed an uplifting Shabbaton on the Dovid Oved Retreat campus in Running Springs. Rabbi Shlomo Taussig of Brooklyn, NY joined us and added a special dimension to the ruach. The food was plentiful and tasty,...

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22nd Annual Banquet

On Sunday, February 24, 2019 we celebrated its twenty-second gala at Sephardic Temple honoring Alon & Rosana Miller for their major involvement in the building and sustaining of our Yeshiva since we started in 1997. Our MC, alumnus, Rabbi Yosef Shaliahsibou made a...

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