Annual Running Springs Shabbaton at Dovid Oved Retreat Center

Mar 8, 2022

On, Shabbos Poroshas Vayakhel, February 25-27, we enjoyed our annual Running Springs Shabbaton at the Dovid Oved Retreat Center. Our Rebbiem were joined by our office staff, Rabbi Yehuda Pollak and Mrs. Rubin. Reb Chaim Brown, who flew in from NY, led Kabolas Shabbos added to the ruach of our zemiros, and led a spirited kumzitz on Motzoei Shabbos. Rabbi Saltz acted as MC, introducing the Rebbiem. Rabbi Lopian spoke at the Seudas leil Shabbos, Rabbi Fisher during the day seudah and Rabbi Gruen at Shalosh Seudos.

Davening was truly uplifting and the seudos were full of energy.

The Shabbaton was organized by the twelfth grade in a most amazing way.

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