On Shabbos Poroshas Chayei Sara we had our first In-Shabbos. Joining me was Rabbi and Mrs. Moshe Klughapht of Kollel Los Angeles and family. Rabbi Klughapht gave a moving Chumash shiur after the lively Shabbos seudah and Seder limud, and acted as Maggid at the Oneg. Kudos to Avraham Jacobs who lained so beautifully. The divrei Torah during the seudos were presented by Yigal Iskhakov, Yitzchak Reyhanian and Yitzchaki Yaghobian. Melave Malka was augmented by the music of Shaya Solomon and Elchonon Nadler. The bochurim were able to dance and kumzitz to their melodies.