On Shabbos Poroshas Vayera, November 11-12, we enjoyed our first In-Shabbos. Our night Seder, twelfth grade Rebbe, Rabbi Avraham Tuvia Brander joined us and gave an exceptional Chumash Shiur after the spirited seudah on Friday night. Ohr Yosef Schwartz and Yehuda Zev...
On Sunday, July 24, we celebrated the publishing of Kuntris Shoshanas Amokim, a compendium of the chaburos our Bais Medrash bochurim delivered this year on Maseches Yevomos. The Kuntris is dedicated by Arash & Sharon Khorsandi. Rabbi Yecheskel Hertz, our...
On Thursday, May 19, after Mincha, we bussed our Mesivta bochurim to Lake Casitas. Upon arrival, most of the boys went boating. Some played a game of baseball. All then met on the camp site for a BBQ run by three 12th graders, Moshe Levy, Hillel Louk and Benyamin...
On, Tuesday night, March 15, we enjoyed our annual Purim Mesiba here in Yeshiva. The afternoon was spent decorating the Ickovics Dining Hall. It was done in a way that expressed extreme Simcha. Moshe Levy of 12th grade, arranged the music and played the key board....
On, Shabbos Poroshas Vayakhel, February 25-27, we enjoyed our annual Running Springs Shabbaton at the Dovid Oved Retreat Center. Our Rebbiem were joined by our office staff, Rabbi Yehuda Pollak and Mrs. Rubin. Reb Chaim Brown, who flew in from NY, led Kabolas Shabbos...
‘יצא אש ומצא קוצים ונאכל גדיש, והלך וגדל עד כי גדל מאד, וגבהו הלהבות כשיעור ד’ קומות, והיה רוח סערה בהאש המתלקחת, ועי”ז הרחיב גבוליו וילחך כל סביבותיו, ואכל עשבים עצים ובנינים, והלך ומתקרב למקומות הישוב, ואבדו כל יכולת שליטה על האש, ועל כן המשיך...