פירסומי ניסא

‘יצא אש ומצא קוצים ונאכל גדיש, והלך וגדל עד כי גדל מאד, וגבהו הלהבות כשיעור ד’ קומות, והיה רוח סערה בהאש המתלקחת, ועי”ז הרחיב גבוליו וילחך כל סביבותיו, ואכל עשבים עצים ובנינים, והלך ומתקרב למקומות הישוב, ואבדו כל יכולת שליטה על האש, ועל כן המשיך...

Siyum Announcement

This year’s Siyum was held in the Yeshiva on Thursday, June 17 li”n Dov ben Michoel and Perel bas Shlomo Zalman Hoffman. We started off with a shtikel Torah presented by Avraham Jacobs. Yehuda Aryeh Yellen made the siyum on Maseches Kesuvos, which was followed by...

Dovid Oved Retreat Center Shabbaton

On Shabbos, Poroshas Acharei Mos-Kedoshim, April 23-25, 2021 our entire cadre of bochurim together with six Rebbiem and their families, joined, as well, by Rabbi and Mrs. Yehuda Pollak and Mr. and Mrs. Shmuel Rubin enjoyed an amazing, uplifting Shabbaton at the Dovid...

Welcoming Incoming Students

After a few weeks’ process of meeting and farhering many local eighth grade bochurim we were able to accept twenty fine benai aliyah into our incoming ninth grade. The class will, iy”H, be made up of alumni of Toras Emes, Cheder LA and Ohr Eliyahu.

Eighth Grader Tour

On Monday, February 15, 2021, twenty Toras Emes eighth graders came to visit our Yeshiva, with the goal of getting a better idea if our Yeshiva is the right choice for their high school education. They were greeted by a delicious pizza and sushi lunch joined by our...
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